“Unleash Your Inner Bookworm: Join the ‘Show An Author Some Love’ Challenge and Discover Hidden Literary Gems!”

Are you ever caught up in the whirlwind of life and find yourself scrambling to meet deadlines, like a cat chasing its own tail? Well, that’s exactly what happened to me as I tried to juggle my travels and the exciting Bout of Books event! Luckily, the incredible folks behind Bout of Books have been on top of their game, ensuring that all the necessary challenge details are shared. Today, I’m thrilled to dive into the fun of giving back to our beloved authors while also connecting with fellow book lovers. Join me as we celebrate our favorite writers and showcase them using the hashtag #showauthorlove. Plus, I’ve got some sweet giveaway details you won’t want to miss! So, let’s share that love, shall we? If you want to delve into all the specifics, click here to LEARN MORE.BoB10-200x200Hello everyone and apologies for getting this post up late! I’m out of town and ended up forgetting to schedule my post in advance. Fortunately the lovely bloggers running Bout of Books have posted some of the challenge info but here are the giveaway details.

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