“Unleash Your Inner Funkosaurus: Transform Ordinary Collecting into a Legendary Adventure!”
The rhythmic component of Funk music is a sixteenth-note feel. Where a quarter-note feel in 4/4 time is counted 1-2-3-4 (4 beats per measure in 4/4 time), and an eight-note feel is counted 1-and-2-and-3-and-4-and (8 beats per measure in 4/4 time), a sixteenth-note feel will be counted as 1-e-and-a-2-e-and-a-3-e-and-a-4-e-and-a (16 beats per measure in 4/4 time). The Sixteenth-Note feel adds a lot of rhythmic complexity to the music.
But the key to making this sixteenth-note feel sound funky lies in the art of syncopation. Where a straight feel might accent the instruments and vocals on the numbered beats and the “ands,” a syncopated feel will more commonly accent the off-beat subdivisions such as the “e” or the “a.” This is the primary way to create that funk feel. You can write out your rhythms with numbers or music notation, which is not a bad idea, but it is often just as effective to get a feel for these grooves in the same way a dancer might feel the music. Funk music is essentially a form of dance music.