“Unlock the Future of Web Development: Discover the Hidden Powers of Headless WordPress!”

"Unlock the Future of Web Development: Discover the Hidden Powers of Headless WordPress!"

If you want to just test a few things and follow along with this tutorial, you can also use WordPress.com’s free and open source local development environment, Studio, to spin up a local WordPress installation.

WordPress ships with a REST API, but as mentioned above, many developers opt for the WPGraphQL plugin when building Headless sites, which allows us to add a GraphQL endpoint to your WordPress site. 

If you opt to use the REST API instead, you can start without installing any plugins.

Creating a content structure for API consumption

Let’s consider a WordPress post or page. We have a title, an ID, a slug, a featured image, and a few more fields. However, most posts have rich content added via the editor, which makes up most of the post content.

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