“Unlock the Future of Web Development: Discover the Hidden Powers of Headless WordPress!”

"Unlock the Future of Web Development: Discover the Hidden Powers of Headless WordPress!"

The block editor content, on the other hand, is a large string of text containing blocks and nested blocks. We have less control over this content and can make fewer assumptions about its shape.

The simple way to handle block content is to set it directly as HTML in a div on the frontend. This will give you the same CSS classes and markup as the WordPress post, and you can style these in your front-end app or import the block styles as part of your build process.

Another approach is to fetch the Gutenberg block markup, recursively parse the content, and map the blocks to corresponding components on your frontend. For example, a Gutenberg block, like an image, can be parsed to an equivalent .tsx or .astro component in your front-end code.

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