“Unlock the Future of Web Development: Discover the Hidden Powers of Headless WordPress!”
For a Headless site, a request would look more like this:
- A user requests a page on your website.
- The front-end application (e.g., Next.js, Astro, or another framework) may relay this request to WordPress via the REST API or the GraphQL endpoint. This may be unnecessary because the HTML could already be generated if we’re doing a fully static build or if the response is already cached.
- The request would go to WordPress, which is similar to a more traditional setup.
- WordPress will invoke the REST API Router (for REST), or WPGraphQL will parse the query.
- The database is queried.
- JSON is generated and returned to the front-end application, which handles the JSON return data (e.g., updating the local state, re-rendering the DOM, etc.).
Headless refers to any WordPress build in which WordPress acts as the content layer while the frontend is served separately. There are many ways of doing this, and it will work differently across different applications.
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