“Unlock the Hidden Treasures: What Secrets Lurk in Your Creative Writing Notebook?”

I’ve found that indexing works better for me. I set aside a few pages at the beginning or end of a notebook, number the pages, and then index the contents. The first time I used this method, I did all the indexing when the notebook was almost full. I’ve since discovered that it’s a lot less tedious and a lot more useful to index as you go.

Although I still occasionally try using a dedicated notebook for a particular project, I always seem to move back toward a single omni-journal for all my creative work. I think it’s because I have a bunch of notebooks for other purposes (business notes, a fitness journal, a finance notebook, and an art journal), so keeping all my creative writing in one notebook keeps things simple. When I have a writing idea, I just grab it and get busy writing. And packing a single notebook with a variety of content seems to inspire even more creativity. For this, my favorite brand has been Moleskine. There are plenty of sizes and styles to choose from.

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