“Unlock the Power of Precision: How One Sentence Can Transform Your Journey!”

Why Do You Need a One-Sentency Summary?

There are many reasons you need a one-sentence summary. Here are some of the most important:

  • It keeps you focused when you’re writing your first draft, potentially shaving months off the time it takes to get it written. 
  • It helps you edit your manuscript, because it tells you what to leave in, and what to take out. 
  • It sells your book to your agent, who now knows how to sell it to your editor.
  • It sells your book to your editor, who now knows how to sell it to their publishing committee. 
  • It sells your book to the publishing committee, who makes the final decision on whether your editor will be allowed to publish your book. 
  • It sells your book to your marketing team, because when you hand them a great one-sentence summary, you’ve done half their job. 
  • It tells your cover designer how to create the perfect cover for your book. 
  • It sells your book to potential readers in your target audience. In ten seconds, they know your book is exactly what they’ve been dying to read. 
  • It scares away potential readers who are not in your target audience. You absolutely don’t want them reading your book and then leaving a review explaining why it’s not the book they were expecting. 

What if You Don’t Have a One-Sentency Summary?

There’s no better time than yesterday to write one. If that didn’t work out, there’s no time like the present. If that’s not in the cards, then tomorrow still works.

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