“Unlock the Secret Dramatic Shift: Mastering Key Changes to Elevate Your Songwriting!”
Therefore, the melody and chord progressions for a half-step modulation will almost always sound extremely different due to all the new pitches that come out in the melody and chords in the new key.
A great example of how to compose songs with these types of key changes is the song “Man in the Mirror” by Micheal Jackson. After the second chorus, as he says the word “Change,” the entire song moves up a half-step, from the key of G major to the key of A flat major (same as G#). This change sounds very dramatic, almost shocking, yet energizing at the same time, which fits perfectly with the lyrics. The song lyrics are about making a major change in oneself from the inside out, and when that key change comes you can feel that inspiring change happening in the music very strongly. Matching the musical techniques to the meaning of the lyrics is will almost always adds cohesiveness to your song.