“Unlock the Secret Rhythm: Craft a Captivating Song in Just Three Simple Steps!”

"Unlock the Secret Rhythm: Craft a Captivating Song in Just Three Simple Steps!"

But that is not nearly as important as the fact that triple meter is alive and well, although underrepresented, in most forms of popular music today. Therefore, learning how to write a song in these time feels can open up huge doors of creativity for your songwriting.

But first let’s take a quick look at the difference between the two most common time signatures that use groups of three: 3/4 and 6/8.

In 3/4, there are three pulses per measure, each of which can be subdivided into two 8th notes (1 and 2 and 3 and) with a strong beat felt on the downbeat of 1 every measure. In 6/8 we have the opposite, there are two pulses per measure, each of which can be subdivided into three 8th note triplets (1 and a 2 and a), with the accented beat 1 being stronger then the accented beat on 2. Try counting these a few times and you will quickly begin to feel the difference.

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