“Unlock the Secret Rhythm: Craft a Captivating Song in Just Three Simple Steps!”

"Unlock the Secret Rhythm: Craft a Captivating Song in Just Three Simple Steps!"

To put it another way, in 3/4 time we feel a strong accent as the first of every three beats, (1 2 3 1 2 3) but in 6/8 time we feel a strong accent on beat one of the first group of three, and weaker accent on beat one of the next group of three (1 2 3 4 5 6), with beat four having a weaker accent than beat one. And 6/8 time can also be counted in twos as (1 and a 2 and a).

Another way to depict how to write a song in triple meter is that 3/4 would sound like 3 solid beats per measure (ONE and TWO and THREE and), while 6/8 would sound more like 2 solid beats (ONE-2-3-FOUR-5-6-). Try counting it this way.

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