“Unlock the Secret Rhythm: Craft a Captivating Song in Just Three Simple Steps!”
And to really hear the difference between these two, I suggest listening to the song America from West Side Story, which is a quite bizarre, yet very famous song that alternates a measures of 6/8 and 3/4. It can be counted like (1 and a 2 and a; 1 and 2 and 3 and) with the lyrics “I like to be in America” counted as (6/8): I like to be in A – (3/4) me – ri – ca.
So what is the difference between the bottom note, the 4 or the 8, and how does that effect how to write a song? This is a technical point for music notation, a process which modern songwriters use infrequently, so for our purposes it is not that important. But for the curious, the 4 stands for quarter notes, and the 8 stands for eight notes, and it simply means that when notating 6/8 time we think of an eight note instead of a quarter note as what is counted as one beat.