“Unlock the Secret Rhythm: Craft a Captivating Song in Just Three Simple Steps!”

"Unlock the Secret Rhythm: Craft a Captivating Song in Just Three Simple Steps!"

My Favorite Things – Rodgers and Hammerstein (from “the Sound of Music”)

Songs in Six: 6/8

(6/8 can be felt as two groups of 3, the first group with a stronger accent: 1-and-a-2-and-a)

Breaking the Girl – Red Hot Chili Peppers

You’ve Got to Hide Your Love Away – the Beatles

Songs in Nine: 9/8

(9/8 can be felt as be felt as three groups of 3, the first group with a stronger accent: 1-and-a-2-and-a-3-and-a)

Morning Has Broken- Cat Stevens

‘Jesu Joy Of Man’s Desiring’ – J.S. Bach

Songs in Twelve: 12/8

(12/8 can be felt as be felt as four groups of 3, the first group with a stronger accent: 1-and-a-2-and-a-3-and-a-4-and-a)

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

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