“Unlock the Secret Skills of Procrastination: 5 Masterful Ways to Waste Time Like a Champion!”

"Unlock the Secret Skills of Procrastination: 5 Masterful Ways to Waste Time Like a Champion!"

How do you define wasted time? Share in the comments. 

Looking for sneaky ways to steal time to write? Or maybe you want to write a book while working full time? We have writers with all kinds of time constraints working in our community to inspire you. Check out joining our Pro community here and find support to finish your writing dreams. 

Emil Rem is a creative nonfiction writer, an eccentric accountant and an advocate for overcoming the odds.  An Ismaili Muslim originally from Tanzania, he has faced—and overcome—daunting circumstances all his life, from being raised in foster care in England to emigrating to Canada as a young adult.  He is the author of Heart of New York and Chasing Aphrodite and has more books in the works.  His mission in sharing his stories is to instill hope and inspire people to choose action, resilience, hope and determination for overcoming even the tallest of odds, undaunted.


For today’s practice, write a scene full of interruptions. How will the character react to those interruptions? Which ones are more important with long-lasting value and which are trivial that should be deflected? Write for 15 minutes and then share your practice in the Pro Practice Workshop here. If you post, comment on a few other writers’ work as well. 

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