“Unlock the Secrets: 5 Must-Have Qualities That Make Editors Rave About Freelancers!”

"Unlock the Secrets: 5 Must-Have Qualities That Make Editors Rave About Freelancers!"

Tip: As soon as you get an assignment, comb through the brief and note areas you might need to clarify with your editor. Also pay attention to the deadlines, workflows, and fees to ensure they’re correct.

3. Ask guiding questions early on

It’s important that writers ask questions as early as possible to allow time to get a response from the client and/or internal teams. For example, if you have a statistic from a company that could be considered a competitor, it would be best to confirm whether it’s appropriate to use it in the story. If you leave it until the last minute, there’s a chance your editor won’t be able to get a response from the client before the deadline. This can lead to revisions that could’ve been avoided simply by asking questions earlier on in the process.

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