“Unlock the Secrets of Compose.ly: Is This the Game-Changer Your Writing Needs?”
Another client referred to Compose.ly as their “go-to for long-form content,” calling the writers “dependable, attentive, fast, skilled, and adaptive—attributes you don’t see with most content resources.”
A third reviewer uses the headline, “Look no further. Quality content and trustworthy, honest people.”
The throughline of these reviews is dependability—real people who care about the client experience. That can be hard to find in the content world, as evidenced by this review of Scripted:
Writer Reviews
Client reviews are important, but don’t forget to look at writer feedback when you’re learning about a content service. Plenty of companies put on a good show for clients but show their true colors to writers, offering low pay and even trying to withhold income. As just one example, look at these Textbroker reviews: