“Unlock the Secrets of Fierce Editing: Transform Your Manuscripts from Mundane to Mind-Blowing!”

"Unlock the Secrets of Fierce Editing: Transform Your Manuscripts from Mundane to Mind-Blowing!"
  1. Search your manuscript for the word “as”. 
  2. Remove it from every sentence that uses “as” to make two events simultaneous.

That’s it. very simple. Extremely effective. 

A few examples will make this all clear. In each example, I’ll show you the wrong way to do it, followed by an explanation of why it’s wrong, followed by a better option. 

Example 1

Wrong: Joe threw a punch at Eric as he approached. 

Why it’s wrong: Your purpose as a novelist is to create a movie in your reader’s brain. This sentence throws up several speed bumps for your reader. Let’s break it down to see why. 

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