“Unlock the Secrets of Reading: Discover the Enchanting Journey of an Ant and a Zebra in Mastering Phonics and the Magic of 42 Words!”

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About the Book

This is a charming children’s story about a city ant that goes to the country to visit his friends, a cat and a dog. They have a good time together and meet a horse named George, a lion flying a kite, a very friendly octopus, and a busy zebra.

If you want to, you can also use this book to help teach children the alphabet and how to read using phonics and the 42 Magic Words that are always shaded in the story. These 42 words start with ordinary, easy-to-read words like ant, bus, cat, dog, egg, fish, gate, etc. They are “magic” because they contain at least one spelling of all of the 40 sounds in the English language.

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5

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