“Unlock the Secrets of Seduction: Crafting a Captivating Erotic Drama That Keeps Readers Breathless”
“What is it to be a female CEO? Because we really wanted to also make sort of a comedy of manners about two generations, and there’s now so much to do about leadership and how to lead and horizontal leadership or vertical leadership.”
Even if you don’t use all this research on the page, the knowledge with bleed through as you develop the world and characters more fully.
Read More: 7 Things to Remember While Researching Your Screenplay
How Babygirl Looks for Genre Expectations (and Subverts Them)
Tropes exist for a reason. They help audiences know what to expect in certain worlds or genres. But as writers, it can be really fun to use these tropes to surprise the audience, simply by turning them on their heads.
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