“Unlock the Secrets of Your Story: Master the Art of Interviewing Your Characters!”

Have you ever thought about how many pages you could write before truly knowing your characters? Most novelists dive headfirst into their stories only to discover that their characters are as mysterious as the plot itself. If you’re like most writers, you might find yourself chugging along, producing a hefty number of words—only to realize 200 pages in that your characters are still undeveloped and fuzzy around the edges. That’s where inefficiency lurks! So, what if I told you there’s a quicker way to get acquainted with your fictional friends? If the Snowflake Method isn’t your cup of tea, why not try interviewing your characters? It’s an engaging technique that can unearth depths you never imagined in your storytelling. Let’s explore how to turn your characters into real, relatable figures that leap off the page! Ready to take the plunge? LEARN MORE

Most novelists don’t know their characters well enough when they start writing their novel. The problem is that you get to know your characters by writing about your characters. 

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