“Unlock the Secrets: Transform Your Editing Skills into a Thriving Freelance Career!”

"Unlock the Secrets: Transform Your Editing Skills into a Thriving Freelance Career!"

Make sure your site is clean and stylish; many editing websites look terrible and a nice template will set yours apart. Don’t make it too “bloggy” or personal—keep it simple. White background, not too many pictures, and of course absolutely flawless text. (There’s nothing worse than a website offering editing and proofreading services full of errors.)

4. Think local.

The web is a huge, scary place. Although you might get cases from all over the world, you’ll have much more success if you focus your advertising locally. Yellow pages (people still use those, sometimes), business cards on bulletin boards, fliers at local universities and places you know authors convene like bookstores or coffeeshops are great sources of business.

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