“Unlock the Secrets: What Happens When You Dare to Discover If You Truly Like It?”

"Unlock the Secrets: What Happens When You Dare to Discover If You Truly Like It?"

Have you ever paused to contemplate the rhythm of life—how we start with hopeful innocence, only to be gradually marked by the passage of time? The poem presented here paints a vivid picture of this journey, from childhood marks recording every little adventure to the complex tapestry of adulthood, where we bend over backwards trying to please everyone else. It’s a thought-provoking reflection on societal expectations, personal milestones, and the inevitable contemplation of mortality. As we traverse this winding path from birth to retirement, the cycle continues, culminating in a peaceful departure. This piece captures the essence of our collective experiences, raising the question: Are we truly living, or are we merely counting the sheep until the end? Dive deeper into this poignant exploration by clicking LEARN MORE.

i was born
i was a kid
i had a mark
for everything I did

i grew up
got a job
bent over backwards
to please the mob

i got married
went up the aisle
had a family
in traditional style

i got older
wondered why
got a policy
for when i’d die

i got on
worked and worked
had my doubts
but never shirked

i retired
drew my pension
grandkids round
relieved the tension

i never woke
died in my sleep
last thing i remember
counting sheep.

Original song by JDG (voice/drums)and Chicco Fresu (guitar)

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