“Unlock Your Creativity: Discover the Secret Formula to Generate a Year’s Worth of Blog Ideas in Just One Hour!”

Have you ever stared at a blank page and felt your brain freeze, like it just dropped into the Arctic without a parka? I know I have! Coming up with ideas for blog posts can turn into a daunting task, especially when you’ve got expertise under your belt but find yourself hitting a creative wall. This article tackles a common struggle among freelancers and solopreneurs alike: generating content ideas. Inspired by a fellow writer who lamented, “I’m great at researching, but coming up with ideas? Not so much!” we dive into practical strategies that can transform your mental blocks into a vibrant flow of creativity. Ready to unleash your inner idea-generating machine? Let’s jump right in! LEARN MORE

Word Wise: Practical Writing Tips for Freelancers and Solopreneurs

Become an idea-generating machine by asking a simple question

Photo by russn_fckr on Unsplash

“I’m working on creating my new site. However, I am having a hard time coming up with blog post ideas,” wrote a member of my online writing group. “I’ve always had A+ research papers with little effort. Writing and researching are my strengths. But getting ideas? I got nothing.”

The writer listed the niche areas where she had expertise: single mom life, finding a work/life balance, personal growth, and small business start-ups. Could the group share how to brainstorm ideas?


Let’s use this writer’s problem to solve our own — the struggle bloggers have to build a stable of creative ideas for posts. We’ll give her a jumpstart by building a list of blog post ideas — a whole year’s worth, in fact.

Start by brainstorming “big bucket” topics

Our blogger-to-be can easily eliminate one problem: the need for more focus. She’s got a handful of niche topics. Her blog needs to narrow down to one subject that targets one audience. Let’s help her out by…

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