“Unlock Your Freelance Fortune: 4 Hidden Metrics That Could Transform Your Success!”

"Unlock Your Freelance Fortune: 4 Hidden Metrics That Could Transform Your Success!"

Over time, my per-client pitch acceptance ratios have varied from more than 90 percent to zero. When I see a low ratio for a particular client, I know my offerings do not match the client’s needs at this time. When I see a high ratio, I can pitch more to that client with confidence.

Tips to improve your pitch acceptance ratio:

  • Review the client’s website before you pitch to make sure your ideas fit the their business and don’t duplicate stories they’ve already published.
  • Clarify pitch requests so you better understand what the client wants. If the ask isn’t clear, your pitches may be good but still not fit the client’s needs.
  • Ask for constructive feedback when a pitch is rejected. Understanding why your pitch was declined may help you overcome that objection the next time the client requests ideas.

Freelancer Metric #4: Client turnover

Keeping the same clients over time is more efficient time-wise than prospecting for new ones and getting up to speed on their voice and style. Over 20 years, some of my clients have given me only a few assignments. Others have assigned work to me every month for a decade or more. One is silver; the other is gold.

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