“Unlock Your Potential: Discover 290 Unconventional Online Course Ideas That Could Skyrocket Your Income!”

"Unlock Your Potential: Discover 290 Unconventional Online Course Ideas That Could Skyrocket Your Income!"
Ideas Monthly search volume 
Music theory 33,100
DAW (Digital Audio Workstations) 60,500
Songwriting 12,100
Music production 8,100
Audio mixing  12,100
Learn [instrument] 5,000++
Music marketing 2,400
Ear training 2,900
Reading music 5,400
DJing 5,400

Language learning

We live in an increasingly globalized world. As a result, there are millions of people hoping to learn another language so they can communicate effectively across borders.

And the good news is everyone’s an expert in at least one language so you don’t even need to be a polyglot yourself to create a language course.

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