“Unlock Your Story’s Secrets: The Surprising Art of Character Interviews Revealed!”

Ever find yourself staring blankly at your screen, wondering who the heck your characters really are? It’s a common dilemma among novelists— diving headfirst into the pages without a clue about the very people we’re writing about! Sure, we think we know them, but often, we end up writing hundreds of pages before we truly understand what makes them tick. That’s like trying to bake a cake without knowing the ingredients— messy, and in the end, not very satisfying!

But wait—there’s a better way! If the usual methods aren’t your jam, I have an intriguing workaround for you: interviewing your characters! Think of it as a Q&A session with your fictional pals. This approach can unlock layers of depth and nuance you never expected. In this guide, we’ll explore how to tap into the psyche of your characters and uncover their hidden motivations. Ready to chat? Let’s get started and get to know those characters of yours better than ever before. Click here to LEARN MORE.

Most novelists don’t know their characters well enough when they start writing their novel. The problem is that you get to know your characters by writing about your characters. 

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