“Unlock Your Writing Potential: Discover the Hidden Market of Parenting Publications That Pay!”

"Unlock Your Writing Potential: Discover the Hidden Market of Parenting Publications That Pay!"

The Green Parent

The Green Parent is UK’s leading green lifestyle bimonthly magazine for parents. All topics relate to green living. Out-of-country queries are accepted.  Payment is £75 (a little over $100) per 1,000 words. Writers also get one complimentary issue of The Green Parent.

Today’s Parent

This high-paying publication is Canada’s national parenting magazine. Articles cover a variety of topics pertaining to newborns through college. They also accept out-of-country queries. Pays $1 per word for 600-word feature; $.83 per word for 600-word feature; $.67 per word for 1500-word opinion, editorial, column or essay.

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