“Unlock Your Writing Potential: Discover the Secrets Behind the Most Transformative Conference Experience of Your Life!”

"Unlock Your Writing Potential: Discover the Secrets Behind the Most Transformative Conference Experience of Your Life!"

Treat editors and agents like anyone else at the conference. After talking with a few dozen or a few hundred writers, you’ll be comfortable doing this. It’ll feel like the most natural thing in the world. 

You won’t resonate with most editors or agents. But some of them, you will. Some will even become friends. Be a decent human being to all of them, and when you find The One, you’ll know. And they’ll know. And at that point, your writing career will change forever.

How long will this take? That’s impossible to say. It could take a couple of conferences. It could take 10. Or 20. It might never happen. Not every writer is guaranteed a slot in traditional publishing. Some writers are happier acting as their own publisher. 

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