“Unlock Your Writing Potential: Discover the Secrets Behind the Most Transformative Conference Experience of Your Life!”
I’ve said this many times, and it’s absolutely true. There is no better investment you can make in your writing career than to go to a writing conference.
But you might have heard other writers with a different opinion. Here are some of the things you might have heard:
- “I went to a writing conference and it was awful. The editors and agents all stuck to themselves, and all the writers were novices who knew absolutely nothing. It was a complete waste of time and money.”
- “I went to a conference and I felt so intimidated, I spent the whole time crying in my room. The food was worse than rat poison, and nobody was at all friendly. I hated every minute.”
- “I made appointments with 2 editors and 2 agents at a conference. The agents shot me down and the editors both asked me to send them something, but then I didn’t hear anything for 6 months. When they finally contacted me, they sent form rejections. The whole thing was pointless.”
Yes, Bad Things Happen at Conferences
It’s true that bad things happen at conferences. Those terrible experiences I listed above really happened to real people. Not just once. Not just a hundred times. They’ve happened to tens of thousands of writers.