“Unlock Your Writing Potential: Discover the Secrets Behind the Most Transformative Conference Experience of Your Life!”
Sorry, I don’t. Great conference experiences don’t come out of a pharmacy.
Great conference experiences come from aligning your expectations with reality and then acting appropriately.
Here are the 3 realities of a writing conference:
- All the editors and agents are overwhelmed with a flood of wannabe writers trying every possible trick to get their foot in the door. Which means that every agent and editor is playing defense every second, just to keep their sanity. They literally have to be on guard against manuscripts being shoved under the door of the bathroom stall.
- Most of the writers are at their very first conference. They are scared to death of the editors and agents, but at the same time, they’ve been told that this is their one chance to “network” with these bigshots and make a good impression. And they are intimidated by all the other writers, because they see other writers as the competition in a zero-sum game.
- A few people at conferences are seasoned writers who’ve been to a number of conferences and know some of the editors and agents. In fact, the editors and agents welcome talking to these writers because these writers are not acting desperate.
Here’s the secret to having a great experience at a writing conference: Make friends with writers you resonate with.