“Unlocking Creativity: What Secrets Do Open Writing Assignments Hold?”

Read More: Every Type of Screenwriting Contract Explained

Men Sitting at the TableMen Sitting at the Table

The Origins of Open Writing Assignments

OWAs have been a part of the screenwriting world primarily in the 2000s—at least by definition. During the screenwriting boom of the 1980s and 1990s, studios informally used an early version of OWAs, bringing in screenwriters to brainstorm concepts. Sometimes those writers were hired. Sometimes they were not.

The official contracted OWAs was born during a time in the early 2000s when the industry became more and more risk-averse when it came to potential legality issues. In short, they didn’t want to be sued. So, instead of picking the brains of screenwriters during various meet-and-greet meetings, development executives and their lawyers made official contracts for these types of discussions.

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