“Unlocking Genius: How Embracing Constraints Can Spark Unimaginable Creativity in Your Writing”

Let’s look at a few creative constraints that have the potential to boost (rather than hinder) your creativity.

Examples of Constraints That Boost Creativity

Perhaps the most obvious creative constraint for writers is form poetry, which gives us clear — and often strict — guidelines for constructing a poem. Form can tell us how many lines or stanzas a poem should have, how many syllables should be in a line, and it can provide a rhyme scheme. Compare this to free-form poetry, in which there are no constraints whatsoever. A haiku, for example, occupies three lines: the first line is five syllables, the second line is seven syllables, and the final line is five syllables. (For a more detailed look at the structure of haiku, check out my post on writing haiku.)

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