“Unlocking Narrative Secrets: How Top Screenwriters Craft Captivating Outlines That Keep Audiences Guessing”

There’s no end all be all as far as the number of scenes you should have. In my outlines for my Lifetime thrillers, I usually end up with around 80 scenes in total. Sometimes it’s less. Sometimes it’s just a little more.

One last tip on this. As you are doing this (and as you’re writing the script), write like a film editor edits.

Read More: Why Screenwriters Should Think Like Film Editors

A laptop and a notebook against a black deskA laptop and a notebook against a black desk

Outlines Are Required for Most Pro Screenwriting Contracts

Don’t get me wrong. If you’re a Steve Zaillian or Aaron Sorkin, you’re likely going to be able to do whatever the heck you want when it comes to prep work for an assignment.

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