“Unlocking Secrets: How Every Rideshare with Robert Reveals a Hidden Tale”

“Bob Reilly wears many hats while transporting clients to and fro in his faithful blue Honda – sage for every age, front-seat philosopher, wildcat therapist, and, at times, behind-the-wheel comedian. Relax, fasten your seat belts, and get ready for a mesmerizing voyage into the Rideshare world of Bob Reilly.”
– Mark Opsasnick, Washington, D.C.-based author, and music historian (“Rock the Potomac”)

“Rideshare by Robert is a collection of memorable stories told with heart and humor by a true master of the craft. Each new ride gives the reader a tantalizing glimpse into the human spirit in all its glorious, swirling madness. This book is one to keep and one to share with everyone who digs “real-life” with a humorous, poignant, artful spin.”
– Susan Butler Colwell, Author of The Summerlands, Book 1 of the Angels and Elementals Series

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