“Unlocking Success: How 100 True Followers Can Outshine Thousands of Passive Ones!”

Have you ever strolled into a crowded room for a big presentation, heart racing, palms sweaty, only to realize that you’re about to speak to a packed audience of about a hundred people? Picture this: you just left the bathroom at your local library, your notes clutched tightly in one hand while your other hand tries to discreetly adjust your belt. You know the feeling all too well—those moments where it feels like the universe is conspiring to heighten your anxiety just before you’re about to share your brilliance with an expectant crowd! In this article, I dive into the comical—and sometimes daunting—realities of navigating through social standards and expectations that can often seem as ridiculous as those Internet “rules” we see floating around. So, buckle up! We’re about to take a light-hearted journey that encourages you not to fall for those silly standards and to embrace the uniqueness of your voice—because who needs another cookie-cutter speaker anyway?! LEARN MORE.

Oh So Clear

Don’t fall for silly Internet standards!

Image by the author 🙂

Imagine leaving the bathroom at your local library and walking into the event room, clutching your scribbled notes in one hand and awkwardly adjusting your belt with the other.

As you walk into the room and look up from your belt, you stop in your tracks. There’s the podium where you’re supposed to read your words of wisdom. And facing that podium are 40 of those folding chairs they always use. And what do you find on each chair? A stack of pancakes? No! On each one of those chairs is a person.

There’s one person called John. And there’s another called Sarah. And there’s a Michael, and an Emily, and a Carlos, and a Jessica, and 34 other people whose names I’ll ignore. And you know what? Those are just the 40 people who are sitting! Because there are another 55 people standing around the chairs. And what’s that? Another five latecomers who are awkwardly hovering by the door who can’t find a spot anymore.

One hundred people is a crowd!

That’s right, one hundred people. The room is packed! So packed you’d think sardines were holding a convention. So packed it’s impossible to wedge a fart in. But you gotta make it through.

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