“Unlocking Success: Secrets to Thriving as a Screenwriter Without Agents or Managers!”

Most Hollywood insiders are great people. They’re not looking to rip you off. Hollywood is very risk-averse. They don’t want to be sued. So if you find yourself dealing with people who aren’t living up to their promises and contracts, it’s likely on you for not vetting them properly. Again, only work with companies that have legit credits—many of them.

A woman pointing to sticky notes on a white board during a meeting.

A woman pointing to sticky notes on a white board during a meeting.
I’ll say this again. It’s possible to be a pro screenwriter without representation. I’m living and walking proof of that. It’s not easy to get to where I’m blessed to be today. But it’s not impossible either. Be able to sell yourself. Be able to sell your writing. And be able to prove you can do what it takes to be a pro screenwriter. Even one without representation.

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