“Unlocking the Hidden Costs of Every Yes: Are You Sacrificing Your True Priorities?”

"Unlocking the Hidden Costs of Every Yes: Are You Sacrificing Your True Priorities?"


If you’re in on this, here’s your homework in 4 easy steps:

  1. Pick your Project of the Year. Just one. Not two, not three, and definitely not seven.
  2. Take a look at your life and figure out how many hours you have per week for your Project of the Year. Can you find 3 hours per week? Or 5? Or maybe even 7? If you can’t find enough hours, are there some things you said Yes to in previous years that you could now say No to?
  3. Schedule time to work on your Project of the Year. Pick days of the week and a time block in each of those days. Write it down in your journal or on your calendar. Maybe set an alarm on your phone to remind you. 
  4. Schedule 15 minutes at the end of every day to cue up your subconscious mind to think about your Project of the Year. This is NOT time to work on the Project of the Year. This is time to think about it and get your secret helper excited about it. 

Let me know how this works out for you. And let me know if you find ways to make it work even better. 

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