“Unlocking the Hidden Secrets: How Script Coverage Can Transform You from Novice to Master Screenwriter!”

"Unlocking the Hidden Secrets: How Script Coverage Can Transform You from Novice to Master Screenwriter!"

Generally speaking, about 95% of the scripts you’ll read in your time as a script reader will be an easy pass. 4% will be above average. Maybe 1% will be outstanding. But within each of those percentages, you’ll find things that work and things that don’t.

Even bad scripts may have sequences or concepts that stand out—all of which you can learn from. And, yes, even great scripts have faults that you can learn from as well.

It’s easy to become blind to script issues when you’re only reading your scripts back during your writing and rewriting process. When you start writing script coverage, you’ll quickly begin to have an eye for more objective issues that you can later apply to your own writing.

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