“Unlocking the Mystery: The 7 Surprising Notes Readers Wish They Could Share!”
If you’re getting the same scores over and over again, it’s helpful to know what readers are bumping on so often to avoid the pitfalls yourself as you’re writing.
Lean Into Your Genre
If you are writing a science fiction story, it should have science fiction set pieces, right? Or an action film should have big action set pieces. That’s the easy part. So often, writers know to have the big set-piece moments, but they forget to really dig into the smaller moments.
Things like the tone of your prose, style of dialogue, and the world, all contribute to how much you lean into your genre. This is the area where the reader relaxes and just enjoys your script. So if you’re getting a note to lean into your genre more, you likely have a strong script that could use some finessing to really make it stand out from other scripts in your genre.
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