“Unlocking the Mystery: When to Choose ‘That’ Over ‘Which’ and Transform Your Writing!”

Are you tired of second-guessing whether to use “that” or “which” in your writing? You’re not alone! These two tiny words often baffle even the most seasoned writers, leading to some head-scratching moments. While we might like to think they’re interchangeable, using them correctly can elevate our writing and clarify our thoughts. By diving into the nuances of restrictive and nonrestrictive clauses, we’ll unlock the secrets of these relative pronouns, making sure your sentences shine with precision. Ready to conquer this grammar conundrum? Let’s explore the rules and uncover tips that will help you use “that” and “which” effortlessly. LEARN MORE.

grammar rules that and which

Get the grammar rules for using that and which.

There’s a lot of confusion about that and which. These two words are often used interchangeably, even though they’re not necessarily interchangeable.

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