“Unlocking the Power of Choice: Discover the Profound Insights in Krushna Chandra Mishra’s Latest Poem”

"Unlocking the Power of Choice: Discover the Profound Insights in Krushna Chandra Mishra's Latest Poem"

In this evocative piece, we’re invited to ponder the seemingly simple act of sitting on a beach, yet this serene setting unravels a profound exploration of choice and connection. It raises the intriguing question: whose choices are we truly honoring when we come together, absorbed in the delicate rhythm of waves rolling in and out? The interplay between the relentless sea and those of us who sit in its presence reflects not just our fleeting decisions but also the silent agreements we make with nature and each other. As the pebbles are counted and waves dance, we find ourselves entangled in a web of shared experiences that shape our understanding of companionship and solitude. Ready yourself to dive deeper into this poetic contemplation, it’s worth taking a moment to reflect. LEARN MORE

Whose are the choices
about sitting together on the beach
counting pebbles and the advancing waves
before they very quickly recede and fade
into simple plain surfaces, that very soon again
throw up mighty and menacing poses, asking them
to run fast back to safe and pleasant shades of rest
and before they, at times, take long and unpredicted
lengths of time to reappear in dancing rhythmic
curled balls of surf to break against the sandy shore?

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