“Unlocking the Secret: How I Secured 10 Feature Script Deals in Just Four Years—No Agent Needed!”
So here goes…
The Early Screenwriting Years
I graduated high school back in 1994 and proceeded to flounder in Madison, WI for five years. Thankfully, I met the girl of my dreams, fell in love, and moved to California in 1999 to pursue my dream of being a professional screenwriter.
I worked as a movie extra to get on Hollywood sets. Do you see that guy looking at a folder?
Yeah, that’s me. It was a Harold Ramis flick called Bedazzled, starring Brendan Fraser—and it was a thrill to see myself on the big screen. But the moment I truly treasured was when the late, great Harold Ramis introduced himself to me between shots. There I was, a kid from the Midwest meeting a Ghostbuster.
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