“Unlocking the Secret: What Sets Good Writing Apart from the Remarkable?”

But for the most part, we look to the literary camp for style and we look to genre (or dare I say — bestseller lists) for substance. Which makes me wonder, should we set the bar a little higher? Could we feasibly demand more from our literature and from our own writing?

Personally, I appreciate both types of writing, but I tend to look for beautiful turns of phrase, interesting images, and brilliant word choices when I’m reading poetry. When I read a poem, I want to be carried away by the poet’s style. I want to stop and read the same line again and again. I want to be in awe of how writers can take creative liberties with language. I don’t necessarily care what the poem is about. In fact, it may not be about anything. It could be abstract, stream of consciousness. If it’s exquisitely written, I will appreciate it.

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