“Unlocking the Secret: Why Traditional Writing Tips Might Be Holding You Back!”

"Unlocking the Secret: Why Traditional Writing Tips Might Be Holding You Back!"

Are you one of those writers, sitting at your desk surrounded by a mountain of conflicting advice? “Write every day!” they say. “But wait, don’t force it, or you’ll kill the passion!” Honestly, it sounds like a never-ending carousel of confusion, doesn’t it? As someone who’s plunged into the world of writing—whether crafting riveting novels or penning blog posts—I get it. It’s like trying to decipher the rules of a game that keeps changing every time you blink. So, how do we break free from the shackles of ineffective writing tips? In this insightful piece, we’ll explore a new approach to your writing process—one that encourages you to let it evolve naturally. Ready to shake off bad advice and find what truly works for you? Let’s dive in! LEARN MORE

If you’re tired of writing tips that don’t help, do this instead

Photo: Vitaly Gariev

“Write every day to get into the habit.”

“Don’t write every day, if it’s forced it kills the passion.”

“Write only when you have inspiration, everything else will feel soulless.”

“If you sit around waiting for inspiration to come, you’ll hardly ever write anything at all.”

I was never quite sure what to make of all the contradictions. Especially when I was new to writing for a specific outcome as a goal. I was building a portfolio of non-fiction books, but this could be anything.

Maybe you want to write a fiction novel. Maybe you’re building a niche and readership on Medium. Maybe you are a freelance writer new to working with clients.

Regardless of what your goal is, deciding which writing advice to take is often more confusing than trying to follow a story told in a language you’ve just started learning.

And it gets worse: There is truth to all those contradicting statements. So how on earth are you supposed to find what works for you?

That’s precisely it. It boils down to the most intuitive.

Let your process evolve

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