“Unlocking the Secrets: How Fanfiction Transformed My Writing and Connected Me with Audiences Like Never Before”

Have you ever considered how the unconventional journey of sharing your cringiest writing moments could transform your creative spirit? As a millennial writer, I skipped the “hide it in a notebook” phase and jumped straight into sharing my earliest fanfiction with an audience of total strangers. It was daunting, exhilarating, and probably the best decision I ever made! In this article, we’ll dive into how fanfiction served as the perfect practice ground for overcoming the fears that so many writers face when sharing their work. So, if you’ve ever felt that wave of anxiety before hitting “publish,” or if you’re just looking for a safe space to let your creativity flow, you might find that fanfiction holds the key to unleashing your inner author. Ready to take that leap? LEARN MORE.

The Short Of It

Get over it, get over yourself, and get going

Photo by Manuel Nägeli on Unsplash

Like many millennial writers, I cut my first creative writing teeth, writing fanfiction online. So I skipped the stage of writing my attempts at fiction in notebooks and hoarding them where no one would ever read them, but rather put my cringe, middle-school, first attempts at storytelling up for an audience of strangers on the internet to read and judge… And it was probably the best thing I ever did.

Over it

Writers can be shy when sharing their work. Putting out something you worked hard for others to judge is scary. Fanfiction got me over that really quickly.

Fanfiction is a relatively safe, low-stakes place to share your creative works — whether 13 or 30. No one is trying to make money. No one is trying to get famous. Most people are behind a pseudonym, and most fanfiction websites don’t have an algorithm you are trying to feed. The worst thing that can happen is getting a mean comment — and that’s how the internet goes sometimes.

It’s funny. I am so at ease sharing my writing of various stripes — creative writing, blogging, and articles — with the anonymous audience of the World Wide Web. It’s sharing with the…

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