“Unlocking the Secrets of Creativity: What the Latest Edition of The Baltimore Review Reveals About the Heart of Artistic Expression”

Current Needs:

“Poems, short stories, creative nonfiction. Our next submission period is August 1 – November 30.” Pays $50/article up to 5,000 words, or three poems. Submit via Submittable with cover letter, and author bio.

Pays $40 for regular (non-contest) submissions



“We advise all writers to read a wide selection of literary journals and to carefully assess them (and read their guidelines) to see if they’d be a good fit. Check their blogs, too. We included a couple of “Behind the Scenes” posts that writers might find helpful. We do not charge submission fees for non-contest submissions, and we pay all writers $50 and send them a copy of the annual print compilation in which their work appears. We charge a modest fee ($8) for contest submissions. Again, not required, but if writers donate $5 when they submit, we send them a doc with a long list of writing prompts, as well as some useful tips. Find ways to support the literary journals you love: share links to work you really like on social media, buy an occasional print copy, volunteer.”

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