“Unlocking the Secrets of Short Story Craft: Can Joyce Carol Oates’ MasterClass Transform Your Writing?”

1. Approachable Material

I have to admit, I was a little intimidated by this class, worried it might be only for seasoned writers. I mean, did you see Oates’s credentials? She’s in an entirely different writing universe than me. I thought she’d be talking way over my head about advanced theory and I’d want to cry over how much I didn’t know about words.

That turned out to not be the case. This is a class for beginner to intermediate level students.

2. 14 HD Video Lessons

There are fourteen video lessons in this course. This isn’t my first MasterClass, but I’m always impressed with how well they produce their videos. They’re simply beautiful and the accompanying music and transitions are wonderfully conducive to the subject matter and instructor’s personality.

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