“Unlocking the Secrets of the Spirit: What Lies Behind the Mysterious Realm of Geist?”

Pays CAD $0.40/word, and a flat rate for poetry, photograph and art.

Current Needs:

“Geist is always seeking short (800-1200 words) non-fiction, typically personal narrative, for the Notes & Dispatches section. Notes & Dispatches are brief and often humorous or lighthearted evocations of life (most often) set in the land north of America, written in plain language with strong verbs. They are usually first hand reports of apparently simple encounters—with people, places, objects—that capture the spirit of our time. We also publish fiction, poetry, and photography/art.” Pays CAD $0.40/word, and a flat rate for poetry, photograph and art. Submit complete ms with brief bio by email.

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