“Unlocking the Secrets of Unfulfilled Aspirations: Brian Lee Knopp Dives Deep in ‘Dreams I’m Never Gonna See'”

Pharr: The essays in this collection span the course of a couple decades. How do you think your writing has evolved from when you wrote “Building the Perfect Mouse or How Pinocchio Gave Abe Lincoln His Chance” to today?
Knopp: I think I’ve finally accepted the dwindling attention span—or rather the diminishing attententive time and space—for even the most dedicated readers. So I hope my writing is tighter, more edgy, less obsessed with adjectives.
Pharr: Mayhem in Mayberry was the top seller at Malaprops in 2010, a mighty success for an indie-published book. What advice would you give authors who plan to go the indie publishing route?