“Unlocking the Secrets of Your Story: Discover How to Unearth Hidden Depths by Interviewing Your Characters!”
Ever sat down to pen a novel and found yourself staring blankly at the page, wondering who on earth your characters really are? You’re definitely not alone! Most novelists dive into their stories without fully grasping their characters—kind of like trying to build a house without knowing if it’s a cottage or a skyscraper. You may craft hundreds of pages, yet only truly understand your characters halfway through, leaving you with a hefty rewrite ahead. So, is there a quicker, smarter approach? Absolutely! Whether you’re familiar with the Snowflake Method or not, interviewing your characters might just be the secret sauce to unveil their depths. Imagine chatting with them, asking their quirkiest questions, and watching as they reveal their innermost thoughts and conflicts! Are you ready to unlock the potential of your protagonists? Then let’s dive in—your characters are waiting to chat! LEARN MORE

Most novelists don’t know their characters well enough when they start writing their novel. The problem is that you get to know your characters by writing about your characters.
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