“Unlocking the Truth: Could These 4 Subtle Client Warning Signs Spell Disaster for Your Business?”
What’s worse is spending your precious time chasing missing payments, following up with editors and financial departments to get paid even months after a story is published. If you work with multiple clients and several of them neglect to pay promptly, that translates into a lot of unpaid time spent trying to get paid.
How to handle it: Before accepting a new project, ask the editor about their payment terms. If they have a net 60 or net 90 policy and you can manage those timelines, then this might not be a red flag for you. Publications typically tell you to invoice once the story is published, not when you submit it, which means payday could still be months in the future. If the client is not a well-known brand or publication, you might consider negotiating to be paid a portion of the fee upfront or on submission.